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S18654 Remote Control not Working?



  • Jackie Taylor

    My problem is the poor and cheap design of the Remote-Control battery door will not open. No matter what I do the door will not turn. The grove in the door is falling apart. Used coin and screwdriver. Nothing works.

  • Chip Houze

    The battery doesn’t seat well in the remote so it doesn’t work. I had to get a piece of foiil and place it between the battery and contact to have enough pressure so the battery touches the connection. Poor design. Now my oscillator doesn’t work and I just bought the fan in July but opened it in late August. I bought the same lasso fan from Costco last year and it is a much better product. This S18654 is riddled with problems. Vibrations because the fan blades aren’t balanced, remote doesn’t work out of the box and now it doesn’t oscillate. I will see what Lasco says and if nothing return it to Costco and send reviews and letters every where I can.

  • Jackie Taylor

    Chip Houze, how did you get the battery compartment opened? Can't get the door open.

  • Chip Houze

    Jackie, I used a regular spoon but the bigger soup spoon. Once you get it open I had to fold a little piece of foil to put on top the battery to push the battery down to make contact. Here are some pictures. Also turn the spoon counter clockwise. Hopefully this helps.

  • Jackie Taylor

    Hello Chip, thank you for your advice in opening the battery compartment, however I used a large coin to try to open the compartment and stripped the grove, also the tab to my battery broke off. I gave the remote to my son to see if he can somehow open it. He hasn't gotten back to me. I will contact him tomorrow. Once again thank you for the advice. Sorry I took so long to get back to you.  I use the fan without the remote. Jackie Taylor. 


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